Do you feel alarmed about the future of your business? Are you thinking you need some fire-engine-red-marketing? Marketing that makes people feel awed, to step aside, or get out of the way, as your message rings home. Has your business been retrofitted; rewired for today’s online e commerce success? Your most urgent charge must be future-proofing your company with polished online activity. It involves content that tells your unique entrepreneurial story. That is what customers love to believe in.
CODE 3 – Hailing volunteer firefighters, the firehouse alarms from towns in all directions sounded off with distant muffled wails. The ringing alarms triggered a brave assortment of pickup trucks flashing promptly to their wailing station calls. Dispatchers shouted directions; fire Chief’s ordered their commands, Police officers prompted ‘Code 3’ over radio scans.

BRIGHT BRAVERY - Fire engine red streaked past leaving streams of brass, chrome, and flashing lights. Dazzling, shiny, and polished, its blaring loud siren hurried down the road charging by our house. Fear and awe had struck my heart with hot flashback memories; thinking about who might bear this tragedy tonight. Firefighters on the rescue rushed to the call, wearing their bright bravery, ready to battle the fiery beast.
LIVES SAVED - Wearing their uniforms and helmets, axe in hand with pride and bravery, volunteer firefighters from nearby towns fought-on for several days saving lives and livestock at our friends’ dairy farm. To their great credit, no loss of life or livestock had occurred, although the barns and farm equipment had been destroyed. Through the smoke and flames, these men and women risked their lives for someone else.