PURPLE FEET IN THE VINEYARD – “Day-colored wine, night-colored wine, wine with purple feet or wine with topaz blood, wine, starry child of earth, wine, smooth as a golden sword, soft as lascivious velvet…” Pablo Neruda.
CORKS ARE DRAWN – Springtime budbreak to flowering in the vineyard is the most beautiful and busy time. Fertilizing, pruning and thinning is in progress, then fruit-bud formation begins. Grape berries are self-pollenating perfect flowers, containing both male and female organs. Though hardly the riot of wildflower color, flowering in the vineyard is quiet, more of a private event. Meanwhile, open-air cabins and bright tasting rooms are bursting alive in springtime. These are the venues for intimate enjoyment where you’ll love the jazz music of local performers, or bluegrass offered with savory new-release vintage selections. The corks are drawn, the paired foods presented and the fusion begins.
SPAGHETTI SANDWICH – Did you know that Provolone cheese along with a Chardonnay tastes so good? Well, to me it does. That’s because individual taste and pairing of wine and food are personal flavor preferences. There is happiness in discovering the combinations you like as taste pleasures. Occasionally, I’ll gourmet up (from scratch) a spaghetti dinner for family and friends, served with something like Ruffino Chianti Classico, or a local Virginia Cabernet Franc.
OLD–WINE ATTITUDE – What is a favorite story about your business? The Virginia wine business has a unique story to tell about every vineyard hill, veritable, or tasting room. That’s relationship building between wine lovers, and wineries. The rock of good business is not about selling, it’s about building relationships and serving your village. It takes stories about you and your business. These are the values customers love to believe in. You can no longer be just another website.