SMOKE HOUSE TRUCKS – During the 30’s and 40’s my grandfather knew about building relationships with customers. He took his butcher and grocery business beyond the store – going directly to the customers. Every week he sent out 3 produce trucks into the community ringing brass handbells, delivering and selling fresh cut meats, fish, and produce to patrons where they lived. Today's equivalent of produce trucks going out into the buying community is communicating your business service directly to the customers where they are shopping – ONLINE. Are you ringing your bells?
MESQUITE SMOKE – What’s your favorite food-smell? Imagine hearing my Grandfather’s handbell ringing in your driveway. Imagine the wonderful aromas people must have experienced while shopping next to his open-side meat trucks. The smells of fresh garden vegetables, spices, salt and pepper, pickles, hickory smoked meats and bacons, smoked fish, cured hams and sausages. The Charlottesville downtown mall is similar as restaurants send out their mesquite-smoked grill smells enticing customers for dinner.
OLD WORLD ATTITUDE – It’s an old world attitude transformed into a new world technology – going to your customers. Just like old world relationship building, it’s still the rock of good business. That attitude is not about selling, it’s about relationships – consistently communicating your unique story to the village. These are the values customers love to believe in. Customers have expectations today, demanding online functionality, making it easy to conduct business with your company. You can no longer be just another website.