Business Concepts Blog

Online Business Authority Fused With Personal Stories

Seeding Lasting Impressions with Your Customers

William Noel - Friday, January 18, 2019

FOLKLORE AND HUMBLE TASTE“I am told that Bilbo, before his Adventures began, would walk, the Shire to seek the queen of the fungi. To search was the compulsion. Driven by taste,for the mysterious Fruit of the forest floor…” by Nick Strong

WOODY NUTTY TREAT – Why does Ms. Mushroom go out with Mr. Mushroom? Because he’s a fun guy (fungi). Ha! Ha! As my daughter often says, “you’re dorky”! During 12 years of living in Hawaii, I discovered a favorite – the Shiitake mushrooms – they have a meaty smoky flavor, tasting superb with ginger and garlic in a stir-fry or with fish. Oyster mushrooms are velvety and trumpet-shaped with reddish caps, they have a peppery flavor. A good wine compliment that I enjoy with a mushroom jacked-up meal is Cabernet Frank or a Meritage. Here in Virginia the annual Morel mushroom hunt is a popular folk activity during early springtime. Dotted across the grassy woods, the Morel mushrooms have a meaty pungent aroma and are delicious when prepared in butter and cream sauces. The smell is pungent, the taste is distinct, the forage is worth the doing.

SWEET EARTHY PLUMP – How to illustrate stories into your business marketing could be uncharted territory for some business owners. The rock of good business is not about selling, it’s about building relationships and building lasting impressions with your customers. It takes stories about you and your business. These are the values customers love to believe in. You can no longer be just another website.

REVEALED IMPRESSIONS – Secretly rooted through the night, appearing suddenly in early morning light, emerging after a cool-dawn rain, the earth’s fresh bounty adorns my domain. Could be metaphors about rooting a growing business and receiving the rewards. What are your stories? The rock of good business is not about selling, it’s about fostering relationships and seeding lasting impressions with your customers. It takes stories about you and your business. These are the values customers love to believe in. You can no longer be just another website.